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Desert Storm: The War Begins 1991년

by 꿈의 숲 2008. 4. 14.


 Desert Storm: The War Begins (1991) (TV) Documentary/ War/ USA

 Cast (Credited cast)

 Bernard Shaw ...  Himself (also archive footage)

 rest of cast listed alphabetically:

 Cliff Acree ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Hafez al-Assad ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Muhammad Ali ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Nayirah al-Sabah ...  Herself (archive footage)

 Yasser Arafat ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Moshe Arens ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Peter Arnett ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Tariq Aziz ...  Himself (Iraqi Foreign Minister) (archive footage)

 James Baker III ...  Himself (archive footage) (as James Baker)

 Marion Barry Jr. ...  Himself (archive footage) (as Marion Barry)

 Wolf Blitzer ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Willy Brandt ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Barbara Bush ...  Herself (archive footage)

 George Bush ...  Himself (archive footage)

 George W. Bush ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Dick Cheney ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Ramsey Clark ...  Himself (archive footage)

 John Connally ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Bob Dole ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Patrick Emory ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Marlin Fitzwater ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Tom Foley ...  Himself (archive footage)

 April Glaspie ...  Herself (archive footage)

 Mikhail Gorbachev ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Edward Heath ...  Himself (archive footage) (as Ted Heath)

 Adolf Hitler ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Guy Hunter ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Saddam Hussein ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Charles Keating ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Ted Kennedy ...  Himself (archive footage)

 John Kerry ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Ayatollah Khomeini ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Stuart Lockwood ...  Himself (boy hostage, with Saddam Hussein) (archive footage)

 François Mitterrand ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Hosni Mubarak ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Brian Mulroney ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Mila Mulroney ...  Herself (archive footage)

 Gamal Abdel Nasser ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Javier Pérez de Cuéllar ...  Himself (archive footage)

 John Peters ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Colin Powell ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Abd al-Karim Qasim ...  Himself (archive footage) (as Abdul Karim Qasim)

 Dan Quayle ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Erich Raeder ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Franklin Delano Roosevelt ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Paul Sarbanes ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Norman Schwarzkopf ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Eduard Shevardnadze ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Joseph Stalin ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Margaret Thatcher ...  Herself (archive footage)

 Margaret Tutwiler ...  Herself (archive footage)

 Gerd von Rundstedt ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Kurt Waldheim ...  Himself (archive footage)

 Jeffrey Zaun ...  Himself (archive footage

출처: http://www.imdb.com

비디오출시: 1992. 10(서진통상)



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